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Three-Pass Protocol Implementation in Vigenere Cipher Classic Cryptography Algorithm with Keystream Generator Modification

机译:Vigenere密码经典中的三遍协议实现   密钥流生成器修改的密码算法



Vigenere Cipher is one of the classic cryptographic algorithms and includedinto symmetric key cryptography algorithm, where to encryption and decryptionprocess use the same key. Vigenere Cipher has the disadvantage that if keylength is not equal to the length of the plaintext, then the key will berepeated until equal to the plaintext length, it course allows cryptanalysts tomake the process of cryptanalysis. And weaknesses of the symmetric keycryptographic algorithm is the safety of key distribution factor, if the key isknown by others, then the function of cryptography itself become useless. Basedon two such weaknesses, in this study, we modify the key on Vigenere Cipher, sowhen the key length smaller than the length of plaintext entered, the key willbe generated by a process, so the next key character will be different from theprevious key character. In This study also applied the technique of Three-passprotocol, a technique which message sender does not need to send the key,because each using its own key for the message encryption and decryptionprocess, so the security of a message would be more difficult to solved.
机译:Vigenere Cipher是经典的密码算法之一,并包含在对称密钥密码算法中,在该算法中,加密和解密过程使用相同的密钥。 Vigenere Cipher的缺点是,如果密钥长度不等于明文长度,那么密钥将被重复直到等于明文长度,这当然会使密码分析者进行密码分析过程。对称密钥密码算法的弱点是密钥分配因素的安全性,如果密钥被其他人知道,那么密码功能本身就变得毫无用处。基于这样的两个弱点,在本研究中,我们修改了Vigenere Cipher上的密钥,因此,当密钥长度小于输入的明文长度时,密钥将由进程生成,因此下一个密钥字符将不同于先前的密钥字符。在这项研究中,还应用了三通协议技术,即消息发送者不需要发送密钥,因为每个消息发送者都使用自己的密钥来进行消息的加密和解密过程,因此消息的安全性将更加难以解决。 。



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